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Catalogue       Group                                          A side/B side                                                        Year


Although the label on this single, left, says Edition Jaca every other listing I have encountered refers to Editions, so I assume they are one and the same.

It would be good to know more about AC Kochomo, who recorded and published these records. For more information on these Congolese bands in Kenya, Muzikifan is the place to visit.


JRP 6           Orch Shika Shika                 Ngombele Pts 1 & 2

JRP 9           Orch Shika Shika                 Nakobela Pts 1 & 2

JRP 10         Orch Shika Shika                 Obongoli Ngai Pts 1 & 2

JRP 22         Orch Shika Shika                 Zainabu Pts 1 & 2                                     1983

JRP 35         Orch Viva Stars                   Horoscope Pts 1 & 2

(Credited to Prince Coco Zigo Mike

& L'Orch Viva Stars)

JRP 39         Orch Viva Stars                   Mama Mapacha Pts 1 & 2

(Credited to Tommy Lomboto

& Orch Viva Stars)