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GM 3           Masawa Jazz Band 74                    W Oruko et Adhiambo/Zedejia MC Osuri

GM 5           Nyota Jazz Band                            Weche Piny No 2/Dr Aggrey Obambo

GM 9           Masawa Jazz Band 74                    Dr Henry Tito/David Radol

GM 14         Obera Jazz Band                            Peter Ayoo/Leunide Akomo

GM 17         Masawa Jazz Band                         John Ongayo/Oloo Ajana

Named after a courageous warrior with magical powers of Luo folklore and not, as I once thought, after the Kenyan football team of the same name. This appears to be the label of benga producer Omoso Rabuor and to have operated in the mid 1970s.