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Catalogue                            Group                                          A side/B side                                                        Year


MUYA 1                         Wanyika Stars                    Si Kosa Langu Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 3                         Wanyika Stars                    Zainabu Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 4                         Wanyika Stars                    Natafuta Mtoto Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 5                         Wanyika Stars                    Daina Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 6                         Issy Juma & Wanyika Stars  Sigalame Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 8                         Wanyika Stars                    Kaka Sulemani Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 9                         Wanyika Stars                    Fanya Hima Urudi Pts 1 & 2

MUYA 10                       Wanyika Stars                    Safari Pts 1 & 2

ISU 006                        Kalambya Boys                   Mwiitu Wa Nthambi/Unyui Muthuku

ISU 14                          Orch Les Kitanga Boys        Enda Noseo Rosemary/Kisekei

ISU 15                          Orch Les Kitanga Boys        Katelina Syokau Pt 2/Mwiitu wa Muithi

ISU 17                          Kwa Kanui Brothers            Grace/Kasiva


The listing for this label is based on the Wanyika Groups discography compiled by John Beadle with Doug Paterson and Peter Toll for Toshiya Endo’s website, which you can find here


While the MUYA prefix seems to apply exclusively to Wanyika Stars releases in Swahili, the ISU one applies to Kamba bands.