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Catalogue       Group                                                  A side/B side                                                      Language


KHS 005      James Mbugua                           Monny (Monica)                                     Kikuyu

                   & Karura Brothers

KHS 010      Karura Brothers                         A: Turu Gu Twiru (Wuui Tuuria)               Kikuyu

                                                                  B: Njambi Wa Gicheha

KHS 12        Karura Brothers                         A: Baka Niko Gakwa                               Kikuyu

                                                                  B: Kai Utaringagwo Itheru

KHR 23        A Thiani Brothers                       Mukii/Mukami                                        Kamba

KHS 32        Jane & Karura Sisters                 Ningatho No 2/Ithe Wa Chiru

BINA 14       Kyanganga Boys                        Mwendwa Nzaumi/Savali Ya Kisumo        Kamba

Hard to tell if this is one label or two.

Peter Mwambi’s Kyanganga Boys also recorded for Boxer and Utanu.

KHS 010, which is dated 1977, turned up on Ebay in March 2009, KHS 12 in May 2010, and Peter Toll supplied details of KHS 32 the same month, while the other two singles are from John Beadle’s tape collection, though I’m unsure if KHS 005 is just the A-side or Pts 1 & 2. James Mbugua’s band also had a single on its own Karura Brothers label.