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Catalogue       Group                                                  A side/B side                                                       Year


KFB 4003     Orch DO7 Shirati Jazz                 Shirati Pek/?                                          1975

WW 102       Orch Lombe Lombe                    Wivu Hasara Pts 1 & 2                             1977

JUDO 7-1     Orch Sega-Sega                         Atieno Queen/Rose Aoko

Peter Owiso’s Orchestra Sega-Sega, a Luo band that were originally the Kiwiro Boys, also cut records for Kuja Mol, Piny Omer, Raha Tele and Wageso.

The Orch Lombe Lombe singles is from Ebay and the band looks to be from Kenya or Tanzania rather than the Congo as the lister suggested.