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Catalogue                   Group                                                         A side/B side                                                       Year


MBUTTA 009          Nyanza Stars                                   Florry/George Okello                               1974

MBUTTA 010          Nyanza Stars                                   Atieno Rispa/Wach Mon                           1974

MBUTTA 012          Nyanza Stars                                   Joseph Ja Seme/Ogunde Ja Jina               1974

MBUTTA 020          Siaya Central Band                           Gilbert Ondiek Jaraha/A Peter K'agolla      1974

MBUTTA 022          Shirati LV Band                                Ben McAdwar/Peter Olaje                         1975


Five recordings of Luo benga from the British Library’s National Sound Archive collection.

Siaya Central may be linked to Central Siaya Jazz who recorded for Gabytone and Hippo, while Nyanza Stars also recorded for Sibuor. Shirati LV is, presumably, DO Misiani’s band or an offshoot of it.