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Catalogue       Group                                                         A side/B side                                                       Year


REC 7-016   Gerald Kaboggoza                            Anyize Lwa Butamuwa/Nakabiri                 1975

REC 7-017   Leo N Ssekamanya                          Ebbuba Ndwadde/Nnyama Ntono               1975

REC 7-018   Chrizestom Seebuziba                      Namusoke/Ndowoza Suzanne                   1975

REC 7-019   Leo N Ssekamanya                          Merani/Zamufuula                                    1975

REC 7-020   Leo N Ssekamanya                          Kabuladda/Tannayatula                            1975


These are examples of Kadongo Kamu, “one guitar music” from Uganda. All are from the Voice of America collection and Matthew LaVoie posted an excellent entry about them with sound samples on the VoA blog that you can find here.