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Catalogue       Group                                                 A side/B side                                                                  Year


ROJ 001      The Tody Six Band                      Fire/Mwenzangu Rossy                                     1974

ROJ 003      Nyota Jazz                                 Alois Onyango/Anyango Ber Ka Mapek               1974

ROJ 011      The Toddy Six Band                    Mambo Ya Inflation/Suzana Na Mama                1975

ROJ 020      The Toddy National                    Mtoto Rose/Nick Osewe

A vehicle for productions by Juma Toto, with the Toddy Six and Toddy National as successors to Todi National ’72, who recorded for Melodica and Pathe, while David Mganda’s involvement in Nyota Jazz pegs them as another offshoot of Victoria Jazz.