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Catalogue             Group                                                                 A side/B side                                                      Year


Win 7-11          Joseph Abbasi                                        Dada Wamboi/Gerad Onyango

Win 7-14          Isaya Mwinamo                                      Wijana Wa Majengo/Julia Atieno

Win 7-33          Daudi Kabaka                                        Chadwick Odongo/African Shake Shake

Win 7-46          Fred Masagazi                                        Ensimbi Za Kiseera/Eedweru Si Nmere     1966

Quartet of singles from the 1960s. The first three are from the Voice of America collection and are in Swahili. They include a cut by the great Daudi Kabaka, an artist more usually associated with Equator.

The fourth is a 1966 single by Fred Masabazi, one of Uganda’s most famous singers, who also recorded extensively in Nairobi.

There’s a fascinating article from The East African, August 14, 2007, about the disastrous impact of Idi Amin on Uganda’s entertainment industry that also gives an overview of Masagazi’s career. You can find it here:
