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Catalogue                 Group                                                 A side/B side                                                                  Year


YS 001                Baba Gaston                             Kalai Pts 1 & 2

                          & Orch Tchondo National

YS 002                Orch Tchondo Nationale             Mwambusa Pts 1 & 2


Yahoos is a sister label to KWE, featuring the same butterfly logo and typeface. Both labels were produced by Kopa Kabana, though why the Yahoos band recorded for KWE rather than for the Yahoos label is a mystery.

The Congolese band leader Baba Gaston was a fixture on the Kenyan scene in the late 1970s and 1980s, recording extensively for ASL and Editions Ba-Ba.

For more on his career, visit www.muzikifan.com/shika.html